Monday, March 22, 2010

Knowing What Women Want

Men have always been trying to figure out what exactly women want and it seems to be one of the most complicated things to figure out. It seems that there is no possible way to determine what exactly a woman wants but the best thing you can do is try.

When you are trying to figure out what a woman wants don’t sit there struggling to long and take the time to ask her.

Guaranteed she’s told you before of some things she’d like to have, but you just weren’t paying close enough attention. Woman aren’t completely shut off and will tell you what they want, you just need to pay attention now and again.

Many men seem to think that women are hard to read, but this is not actually true. Men don’t always seem to realize how easy it is to read a female because they are trying to hard.

Some of the simplest things could make a women’s day just because you put in the effort to help her out. Women are not the hardest to please, but when you try too hard you could end up putting yourself into a situation you don’t want.

Knowing what women want can be a difficult task and many men will try to figure it out for years. The only way you are ever going to determine exactly what a women wants is by asking.

You may look like an idiot, but at least you are giving her exactly what she wants. Sign up for our newsletter here for more women advice.

Ideas for Your First Date

The first date always seems to be the scariest dates of all. You are attempting to make date plans for something that will interest both parties and also give you the ability to interact with the other person on the date.

When you are planning a first date consider something that will be a little more relaxed where you can take the time to talk with the other person.

Usually a first date earlier in the day is a better idea as you are less likely to be disrupted by the night scene and if things are going really good you can continue the date on further into the day. Start with something small such as meeting for coffee or a lunch.

These are the best options as you can sit and talk. Talking is the best way to get to know someone so make sure you can do it.

The first date is crucial for the other party to get to know you and for you to get to know them. There are many ways you can go about getting to know someone and incorporating a little fun is a good way.

If you are planning an evening date consider doing something fun such as mini put as you will be able to still get to know them personally and see how they react to certain events.

Dating can be a bit of a struggle at first, but as you get to know the person it will become easier, especially if the feelings begin to grow and it leads you to another date in the near future. Sign up for our newsletter here to get more first date ideas.

Dating Dont´s

There are many dating don’ts that many people end up doing without even noticing. When you are entering the realm of dating you don’t want to come off as a person that is over into themselves.

When you sit there talking about yourself from beginning to end of the date you are very unlikely to get the chance for another date.

Dating can be a very difficult thing and when you are doing things that would usually push a person away it seems to be even more difficult.

There are many ways a date could go good and there are many more ways which could make it go bad. Avoid being rude in any sort of way.

What we mean by rude is not using any offensive slang, using large amounts of profane language, grotesque body functions, or anything else that you wouldn’t do in a church.

You want the other party to feel comfortable and the best way to do that is by being polite.

Another thing you shouldn’t do on a date is over expect the other party. When you are going on a date with someone new don’t right away assume that they’ll be paying for your portion of the bill.

Be prepared to pay your portion of things or you may come off as un-capable to hold your own.

Avoiding making dating harder then it already is should be something you put into play. Understanding your way into a great date is the best. Sign up for our newsletter here for more dating advice.